8 degrees, cloudy

On: 12/22/2008

I just started something completely out of the box. A scifi space marine. How do I keep coming up with mindblowing innovations like these? I don't know, it's a gift, I guess.

Anyway, not much to show yet, but I felt bad for not posting for so long, so that'll have to do for now.
I haven't been too lazy though. Actually, I've been working on my portfolio. As soon as I get green light from my former employer, it'll go online.

update: Space Minotaur!!

On the other hand, I'm not sure if this is going anywhere..

3 comments on "8 degrees, cloudy"

ëRiC said...

or more a Space MARINotaur ;]

pardon me..

ëRiC said...

but I really like it!!

Unknown said...

Space Centaur, my bad.